Wednesday, September 25, 2024

CATO TODAY - September 25, 2024 - The Growing Dangers of Ignoring American Interests in Foreign Wars


Cato Today Updated

September 25, 2024


Both Ukraine and Israel are driving decisions in their wars, often without US consent, risking the widening of those conflicts. The Biden administration's failure to assert US interests escalates the risk of entangling America directly in their wars.


Americans are increasingly being drafted, through their taxes and the regulations that restrict their liberties, into building the world envisioned by their elected officials. This slow erosion of our values and institutions is morphing the American system into one that is beginning to resemble that of the Chinese constitution.



Cato Daily Podcast-3

When the government restricts the interest rate on credit cards, it’s a straightforward price control. Nicholas Anthony explains why Donald Trump’s recent proposal to limit credit card interest would be disastrous.

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