Monday, May 27, 2024

Foreign Affairs Council Foreign Affairs Council, 27 May 2024 Main results

Foreign Affairs Council, 27 May 2024

Main results

Russian aggression against Ukraine

The Foreign Affairs Council discussed the Russian aggression against Ukraine, after a VTC intervention by Ukraine's Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba, who updated his EU counterparts on the latest developments on the ground - notably regarding the latest Russian attacks against civilian and energy infrastructure, and the needs of Ukraine, in terms of air defence systems, missiles and ammunition.
<p><span lang=Josep Borrell, High   Representive  for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

Putin is talking about peace negotiations, but his armies are launching another offensive against Kharkiv. They're shelling crowded civilian buildings, and try to undermine the upcoming Summit on Peace in Switzerland. We support fully this summit. Its objective is to inspire a future peace process. We are working to ensure the broadest possible participation.
Josep Borrell, High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

Ministers had an intense discussion on the EU’s military support for Ukraine, and particularly the implementation of the decision taken by the Council in March on a new, dedicated Ukraine Assistance Fund under the European Peace Facility. This fund will also be a legal instrument through which the European Union will be able to use the extraordinary net profits generated by immobilised Russian assets.

The Council also touched on the EU’s long term security commitments to Ukraine, which will include in particular, security and defence aspects.
Lastly, ministers were informed about the latest border incident with Russian border guards in Estonia and other EU member states.

The Council adopted:
Situation in the Middle East

The Foreign Affairs Council discussed the situation in the Middle East.
EU ministers had an informal exchange with the Ministers of the Arab Quint: Qatar, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, as well as the Secretary General of the League of Arab States. Their discussion focused on finding a political solution to the conflict, and increasing humanitarian support for the people in Gaza.

The Arab Ministers presented their vision for a peace process and discussed with their EU counterparts about how to reinforce cooperation, with a view to finding a political solution to the conflict. One of the suggestions that emerged from the discussion, was to consider the possibility of an international conference on how to implement the two-state solution, which could prepare the ground for an international peace conference.

Ministers agreed that currently the most pressing issue, beyond the suffering of people in Gaza, was to support the Palestinian Authority and UNRWA, as well as increasing humanitarian support. In order to help with the delivery of humanitarian assistance, the EU will explore options for the reactivation of its Border Assistance Mission for the Rafah Crossing Point (EUBAM Rafah), in coordination with the Palestinian Authority, and the Israeli and Egyptian authorities.

EU ministers concurred on three specific points related to recent developments:
  • EU reiterates its demand on Israel to implement the recent ruling of the International Court of Justice concerning the halting of military operations in Rafah and allowing the access of humanitarian aid into Gaza
  • Israel should stop blocking the funding that allow the functioning and survival of the Palestinian Authority
  • UNRWA should not be declared a terrorist organisation and consequently prevented from working in Gaza and the Palestinian territories
Lastly, EU ministers also agreed to work on a meeting of EU-Israel Association Council to discuss the situation in Gaza, respect of human rights, and the ruling of the ICJ.

Under current affairs, the Council was informed about developments around the new law on transparency of foreign influence in Georgia, that goes against the spirit and principles of the EU. Member states agreed to consider the most appropriate EU response in case the law is enacted, with a view to a possible decision at the June Foreign Affairs Council. 
Meeting files
Press releases

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