Tuesday, January 31, 2023

BBC Türkçe : Brexit, İngiltere ekonomisini nasıl etkiledi?

 Brexit, İngiltere ekonomisini nasıl etkiledi?

İngiltere’nin Avrupa Birliği’nden ayrılmasının (Brexit) üzerinden tam üç yıl geçti. Bu süreçte önce pandemi ve hemen ardından da enerji krizi geldi. Bütün bunlar, Brexit’in etkisinin tam olarak ne olduğunu çözmeyi zorlaştırdı. Son veriler ekonomiye olumsuz etkilerini gösteriyor ama bazıları pek beklenmeyen alanlarda.

BBC TürkçeYayınlanma: 31 Ocak 2023 - 21:42Güncelleme: 31 Ocak 2023 - 23:32

Brexit, İngiltere ekonomisini nasıl etkiledi?

Darshini David / BBC Küresel Ticaret Muhabiri

İngiltere’nin Avrupa Birliği’nden ayrılmasının (Brexit) üzerinden tam üç yıl geçti.

Bu süreçte önce pandemi ve hemen ardından da enerji krizi geldi. Bütün bunlar, Brexit’in etkisinin tam olarak ne olduğunu çözmeyi zorlaştırdı. Son veriler ekonomiye olumsuz etkilerini gösteriyor ama bazıları pek beklenmeyen alanlarda.


İngiltere, 2021’de Ortak Pazar ve Gümrük Birliği’nden çekilirken, AB’yle ticaret yapan şirketler yeni kurallarla, bürokrasiyle ve bazı ürünlerde yeni kontrollerle yüzleşti.

Bu da, İngiltere ve en yakındaki ticaret ortağı arasındaki 550 milyar sterlin hacimli ticarete ne olacağı kaygılarını artırdı.

İlk aşamada, İngiltere’nin AB’ye ihracatı azaldı. Resmi verilere göre ilk aşamadaki sorunlar aşılınca, ticaret hacmi pandemi öncesindeki seviyelerine geri döndü. Ancak Brexit olmasaydı, ticaretin daha da büyüyeceği argümanı hala geçerli.

İngiltere Ticaret Odaları, geçtiğimiz günlerde 500 şirketle bir anket yaptı. Şirketlerin çoğu, hala yeni sistemle başa çıkmaya çalıştıklarını belirtti. Artan bürokrasi, küçük ihracatçıları iş yapmaktan caydırmış olabilir. Gümrük sınıflandırmaları üzerinde yapılan bir çalışmaysa, İngiltere’nin ihraç ettiği ürün çeşitliliğinin azaldığını gösterdi.

İthalatta da tablo aynı. Hacim pandemi öncesi seviyelere döndü. Ancak uzmanlar, AB’de ithal edilen, domates, patates ya da örneğin gül gibi ürünlerin fiyatının 2020 ve 2021’de % 6 arttığını gösteriyor. Bu artış oranı, son dönemde enflasyonda görülen büyük yükselişten önceydi.

Öte yandan bu durum, ülkedeki gıda üreticilerinin rekabet edebilmesini kolaylaştırdı. Uzmanlar bunun 5 milyar sterlinlik bir kazanç anlamına gelebileceğini belirtiyor.

Büyük resim ise daha dikkat çekici.

Çoğu ülke, pandeminin en kötü dönemlerinde uluslararası ticaretin çöküşüne tanıklık etti. O zamandan bu yana G7 ülkelerinin geri kalanı, ekonomik büyüklüklerine kıyasla ticaretlerini, İngiltere’de görülmemiş bir şekilde geliştirdi.

İngiltere’nin dünyanın geri kalanı ve AB’yle ticaretine bakıldığında, ülke ekonomisinin büyüklüğüne kıyasla geriledi. Ticaret diğer büyük ekonomilerde olduğu kadar hızlı bir şekilde pandemi öncesi seviyelere gelmedi ve ülke refahına katkısı diğer ülkelerden daha önemsiz oldu. “Küresel İngiltere” daha az açık bir ekonomiye dönüştü ve geride kaldı.


Yeni ticaret anlaşmaları durumun düzeltilmesine yardımcı olabilirdi. Ancak bunun için hala biraz erken.

Toplamda, 71 ticaret anlaşması yapıldı ki bu da hızlı bir ilerleme. Ancak çok büyük çoğunluğu, İngiltere’nin AB üyesiyken yaptığı anlaşmaların kopyası niteliğinde.

İngiltere, Avustralya ve Yeni Zelanda’yla yeni ticaret anlaşmaları yaptı ancak bunun ticarete küçük bir katkıda bulunması ve bunun bile gerçekleşmesinin birkaç yıl daha alması bekleniyor. Ayrıca bunlar tartışmalı anlaşmalar, çünkü bazı İngiliz çiftçiler zararlı çıkacak.

Hindistan ve Trans-Pasifik Ortaklığı ile görüşmeler devam ediyor. Görüşmeler, daha önceki bakanların umduğundan uzun sürdü ancak uzmanlar işleri ağırdan almanın daha lehte anlaşmalarla sonuçlanabileceğini düşünüyor.

ABD ve Çin gibi büyük oyuncularla ticaret anlaşması ise hala ortada yok.


İşletmelerin, fabrikalara, eğitime, malzemeye ve teknolojiye ne kadar harcama yapmayı seçtiği de İngiltere ve AB arasındaki ilişkiden etkilendi. İngiltere Maliye Bakanı Jeremy Hunt da yatırımın büyümeyi çok hızlandıracağını kabul etti.

Ancak işletmeler ekonominin görünümüne bakıp, ihtiyatlı davrandıkları için 23 Haziran 2016'daki Brexit refarandumundan bu yana yavaşladı. Yatırım oranları referandum sırasında da öyle çok yüksek değildi ancak İngiliz düşünce kuruluşu Değişen Avrupa’da İngiltere'ye göre, yatırım referandum öncesi seviyelerde sürseydi, bugüne kıyasla dörtte bir daha fazla olacaktı.

Ekonomistler bu açığın nasıl açıklanacağı konusunda tartışıyor. Aralarında Uluslararası Para Fonu’nun da bulunduğu bazıları, Kuzey İrlanda Protokolü de dahil bazı çözümlenmemiş sorunlar da dahil Brexit kaynaklı belirsizliklerin yatırım harcamalarının bir kısmını caydırdığını söylüyor.

Brexit yanlısı grup Briefings for Business ise sayıların yanıltıcı olduğunu ileri sürüyor ve yatırımın Brexit’ten darbe aldığına dair bir kanıt olmadığını savunuyor.

Ancak en nihayetinde, yatırımın azalması İngiltere’nin olabileceğinden daha az etkin ve daha az kazanan bir ekonomiye dönüşmesi anlamına geliyor.


AB’den çıkış, işçilerin serbest dolaşımı kurallarında da değişikliği beraberinde getirdi ve İngiltere puan temelli bir göç sistemine geçti. Bu durum da, birçok çevrenin şikayetini beraberinde getirdi.

Her ikisi de Brexit’i destekleyen giyim mağazaları zincirinin CEO’su Lord Wolfson ve pub zinciri Wethenspoon’un patronu Tim Martin, İngiltere’nin daha çok yabancı çalışana izin vermesi çağrısında bulundu.

Düşünce kuruluşları Avrupa Reform Merkezi ve Değişen Avrupa’da İngiltere’nin yaptığı ortak çalışmada, Brexit nedeniyle İngiltere’de 330 bin daha az çalışan olduğunu tespit etti. Bu sayı toplam iş gücünün sadece % 1’i olsa da, özellikle ulaştırma, yeme içme ve perakende sektörü özellikle olumsuz etkilendi.

İstihdam açığı, çeşitli sıkıntılara ve müşterilerin daha yüksek faturalar ödemesine yol açtı.

Bazı yorumcular, bu zorlukların işletmeleri çalışanlarının kabiliyetlerini artırmaya ve daha fazla yatırım yapmaya ikna edeceğini söylüyor.

Bu arada İngiltere Parlamentosu’nun bir raporuna göre mali hizmetler sektöründe de 7 bin iş kaybedilmiş olabilir ancak bu sayı daha önce korkulan 70 binin çok altında.


Yukarıda bahsedilen tüm veriler, İngiltere ekonomisinin son sorunlar karşısında benzerlerine göre daha kötü bir performans sergilediğini gösteriyor.

İngiltere pandemi öncesine kıyasla, daha küçük ve daha yoksul kalan tek gelişmiş ülke ekonomisi ve Brexit de bunda rol oynamış olabilir.

Genel olarak, hükümetin bağımsız denetleme kurumu Bütçe Sorumluluğu Ofisi, İngiltere ekonomisinin referandumdan AB’den çıkış kararı çıkmasaydı, yüzde 4 daha büyük olacağını düşünüyor. Ancak birçok seçmen için Brexit, ekonomiden çok, egemenlikle ilgili bir karardı.

Ama çözülmesi gereken daha çok sorun var.

Sadece Kuzey İrlanda protokolü değil, mali hizmetler, balıkçılık, elektrikli oto parçaları, bilimde işbirliği için nihai anlaşmalar ve bürokrasiyi azaltma yolları gibi.

Buralarda, İngiltere için potansiyel kazanımlar var ve bunlar ekonomik strateji olduğu kadar siyasi strateji meselesi de.

BBC Türkçe - 31 Ocak 2023

The Week at State (U.S. State Department ) January 23 - 29 ,2023


US Department of State

The Week at State  |  January 23 - 29

Screenshot of video of The Week At State showing President Biden speaking.

Take a look at The Week at State video for a review of key events of the past week, including President Joe Biden's announcement that the United States will send 31 Abram tanks to support Ukraine, Secretary Antony Blinken discussing the U.S. Chairship of the Freedom Online Coalition, and Deputy Secretary Wendy Sherman's visit to Cleveland to meet with the Ukrainian diaspora community. Visit our YouTube channel for more videos.

The blue and yellow colors of the Ukrainian flag

Secretary Blinken's Trip to Egypt, Israel, and the West Bank

Secretary Blinken speaking to a crowd of people from a podium with a set of U.S. and Egypt flags on each of his side.

From January 29-31, Secretary Blinken travels to Egypt, Israel, and the West Bank to consult with partners on a range of global and regional priorities, including Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Iran, Israeli-Palestinian relations and preserving the two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the protection of human rights and democratic values, among other topics. Learn more about the details of Secretary Blinken's trip to Egypt, Israel, and the West Bank on State.gov.


Secretary Blinken Meets with Egyptian President Elsisi

Secretary Blinken and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi speak to each other and walk down a corridor. Other officials walk behind them.

"Important meeting with President @AlsisiOfficial on the U.S.-Egypt strategic partnership. We discussed Egypt's important role in regional stability, bilateral cooperation, and the importance of progress on human rights," Secretary Blinken on Twitter. Learn more in the fact sheet about the U.S.-Egypt relationship.

Secretary Blinken Meets with Egyptian Foreign Minister Shoukry

Secretary Blinken listens as Foreign Minister Shoukry stands behind a lectern and speaks into a microphone.

"Foreign Minister Shoukry and I discussed the U.S.-Egypt partnership, the mounting consequences of Russia's invasion of Ukraine and U.S. support for Egypt as it responds to global challenges," Secretary Blinken on Twitter.

Secretary Blinken Meets with Young Egyptian Leaders

Secretary Blinken speaks with young Egyptian leaders in Cairo.

"Enjoyed hearing from these young Egyptian leaders who are promoting our shared values and strengthening our important bilateral relationship – this makes me optimistic about our future," Secretary Blinken on Twitter.

United with Ukraine

United States to Send Tanks to Ukraine

President Biden delivers remarks at a podium. Behind him stand Secretary Blinken and Secretary of Defense, Lloyd J. Austin III.

"Today, I announced that the United States will send 31 Abrams tanks to Ukraine – evidence of our enduring and unflagging commitment to Ukraine and our confidence in the skill of Ukrainian forces.

As I told President Zelenskyy, we're with Ukraine for as long as it takes," President Joe Biden on Twitter.

Ukrainian Women Fight Back

Screenshot of video showing a woman looking through a rifle scope and the text: “Ukrainian women fight back,”.

"Despite the increased threats they face as a result of Russia's brutal war, the women of Ukraine are serving their country and fighting for freedom and democracy. We stand #UnitedWithUkraine," Secretary Blinken on Twitter (video).

Alliances and Partnerships

Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity Virtual Ministerial

Secretary Blinken and Ambassador Tai smile as they sit at a table in front of a blue backdrop and two U.S. flags.

"Global and regional challenges require a global and regional response. Today's virtual ministerial for the Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity (APEC) ensures that we can accomplish more by working together," Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment Jose W. Fernandez on Twitter. Watch the livestream of the APEC virtual ministerial, hosted by Secretary Blinken and U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai, and follow the conversation using #AmericasPartnership. Read the White House Fact Sheet for the Biden-⁠Harris Administration's Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity (APEC).

Shatter Summit: U.S.-India Alliance for Women's Economic Empowerment 

Deputy SecretarySherman speaks from a podium in a wood-paneled auditorium with large flags of the United States and India.

"Honored to speak at the #USIndia Alliance #ShatterSummit to underscore the importance of women’s economic advancement to India's growth and socioeconomic development in the Indo-Pacific. #WomenWhoShatter," Deputy Secretary Sherman on Twitter. Watch the Shatter Summit Conference and learn more about the U.S.-India Alliance for Women's Economic Empowerment.

Global Health

Commemorating PEPFAR's 20th Anniversary 

A photo of six children sitting outside under a blue sky with the text.

"Twenty years ago, @PEPFAR was created. Since then, the American people have provided more than $100 billion to save more than 25 million lives. We remain deeply committed to ending HIV/AIDS by 2030. #PEPFAR20," Secretary Blinken on Twitter. Learn more about Fulfilling America's Promise to End the HIV/AIDS Pandemic by 2030 in the PEPFAR five-year strategy guide and review PEPFAR's most recent fact sheet. Follow PEPFAR on Twitter to get updates.

Holidays and Commemorations

Holocaust Remembrance Day

A wall of sepia-colored older photos and articles with the text: "International Holocaust Remembrance Day, January 27, 2023."

"Remembrance is our eternal obligation, but without action it becomes a hollow ritual. We must never be indifferent to human cruelty and human suffering. On #HolocaustRemembranceDay we recommit to uniting against antisemitism and acting against all forms of hatred. #NeverAgain," Secretary Blinken on Twitter.  Read how relatives of Holocaust survivors honor them through public service.

An image of a pen with the words "From the Secretary's Desk"

Useful links

Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of State Jerusalem Waldorf Astoria Hotel Secretary Antony J. Blinken At a Press Availability 01/31/2023 02:56 PM EST

 Secretary Antony J. Blinken At a Press Availability

01/31/2023 02:56 PM EST

Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of State


Waldorf Astoria Hotel

SECRETARY BLINKEN:  Good afternoon.  So we’ve had a busy few days at a pivotal time for the region.  The United States is determined to work with our partners to foster a more stable, secure, and prosperous Middle East.  The horrific terrorist attacks in Jerusalem, the escalation of violence on the West Bank have underscored the significant challenges to security and stability that the region faces and that we face.

We began this trip in Cairo, where I met with President Sisi and Foreign Minister Shoukry as well as with Egyptian human rights defenders and young leaders.  Among a wide range of issues in my meetings with the government, we discussed the role Egypt and other neighbors can play in helping Israel and the Palestinians de-escalate, reduce tensions, and lay the foundation for a more peaceful path.

Upon arriving in Israel, I expressed my condolences and those of the American people to Israel and to the families of the seven civilians who were killed in the horrific terrorist attack outside a synagogue in Neve Yaakov.  In the wake of this and the subsequent attack on an Israeli father and son, I reaffirmed to Israel and its people the United States’ ironclad commitment to Israel’s security.

A rising tide of violence has resulted in the loss of many innocent lives on both sides.  As I discussed with Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Abbas and everyone I met in Israel and the West Bank during this visit, all sides must take steps to prevent further escalation in violence and restore calm.  That’s the only way that we can create conditions in which people’s sense of security will start to improve and fear can start to recede.

Across my meetings with Israel’s Government, the Palestinian Authority, our partners in Cairo, I heard a deep concern about the current trajectory.  But I also heard constructive ideas for practical steps that each side can take to lower the temperature, to foster greater cooperation, to bolster people’s security.  And so I’ve asked senior members of my team to stay on in the region and continue discussions on how these steps might actually be advanced.

These are the steps that the parties themselves must lead on, and we have no illusions that heightened tensions can be defused overnight.  But we’re prepared to support efforts here and with partners in the region if the parties have the will to do so.  The United States is always ready and willing to be a partner in the cause of peace and security.

On my return home and in the coming days, I’ll also continue to engage with partners in the broader region who share our serious concerns about the escalating cycle of violence and like us want to support the parties in finding a way forward.

So restoring calm is our immediate task, but over the longer term we have to do more than just lower tensions.  The United States is committed to working toward our enduring goal of ensuring that the Palestinians and Israelis enjoy equal measures of freedom, security, opportunity, justice, and dignity.  And it’s President Biden’s firm conviction that the only way to achieve that goal is through preserving and then realizing the vision of two states for two peoples.  The United States will continue to oppose anything that puts that goal further from reach, including but not limited to settlement expansion, legalization of illegal outposts, a move towards annexation of the West Bank, disruption to the historic status quo on Jerusalem’s holy sites, demolitions and evictions, and incitement and acquiescence to violence.

We will also support all efforts to move us closer to peace, expand the horizon of hope, advance equal rights and opportunities for Palestinians and Israelis.  That includes building on the efforts that we’ve made over the past two years to improve the lives of the Palestinian people in concrete ways.

We bolstered our assistance to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA, including approximately $50 million in new funding that I announced today in Ramallah, enabling the provision of essential services like food, vaccines, education, as well as vital aid for refugees.  That brings U.S. total funding for Palestinians over the last two years to nearly $940 million.  We’re supporting quality health care through the East Jerusalem Hospital Network, and we’re making real progress toward implementing an agreement to provide a 4G network in the Palestinian territories.

We’re also working to broaden and deepen the circle of peace between Israel and its neighbors.  As we demonstrated earlier this month when U.S. officials joined representatives from Israel, Bahrain, Egypt, Morocco, the United Arab Emirates for the first meeting of the Negev Forum Working Groups.  Again, this was the largest assemblage of officials from Arab countries and Israel since Madrid, going back many decades.

On crucial issues like food and water security, clean energy, regional security, our efforts are creating collaboration that will improve the lives and livelihoods of people across the region and erode longstanding biases and distrust.

Even as we’re making real strides toward expanding peace with Israel’s neighbors, we continue to work together to tackle shared threats.  This morning, Minister of Defense Gallant and I discussed ways to deepen our cooperation to confront and counter the Iranian regime’s destabilizing actions in the region and beyond.  I also met with opposition leader Lapid, who shares the same commitment to counter Iran.

Tehran’s deepening ties with Moscow and the sophisticated weaponry that they’re exchanging to enable one another’s aggression are among the many reasons that we’ve raised with Israel the importance of providing support for all of Ukraine’s needs – humanitarian, economic, and security – as it defends its people against Russia’s brutal war of aggression.

We discussed a number of ways to advance the United States’ and Israel’s shared security interests, just as I did yesterday in my meeting with the prime minister, with President Herzog, and with Foreign Minister Cohen.  Across these discussions, I made clear that America’s commitment to Israel’s security is unwavering, just as it has been for nearly 75 years.

Finally, the United States will continue to deepen our bonds here with partners outside of government.  Today I had the opportunity to spend time with Palestinian and Palestinian American civil society leaders, entrepreneurs, business owners in Deir Dibwan who shared the vital work they are doing to improve the lives of their communities.  And I started my day by hearing from a group of young Israeli leaders, Jews and Arabs, who are doing inspiring and critical work, from advancing LGBTQ rights and the rights of people with disabilities to building trust and ties between communities.

These meetings were a reminder that the civil society in both of our countries plays an indispensable role – an indispensable role in defending and strengthening the rights of – and principles at the heart of a free and open society, and helping people tackle some of their most pressing challenges.  It’s a reminder of how citizens are willing to continue to engage, to hold their leaders accountable, and to keep working to create the world that they and their communities want.  They can count on the United States in a partner in all of those endeavors.

With that, I’m happy to take some questions.

MR PRICE:  We’ll start with Tracy Wilkinson of The LA Times.



QUESTION:  Thank you, Mr. Secretary.  Thank you for taking this time, because I know you have had a couple of very busy days.  We can all bear witness.

You just mentioned the deep concern over the trajectory that you saw here.  And in your meetings both with Israeli officials and people and Palestinian officials and people, I wanted to dig a little deeper into that.  Do you concur with or at least understand Israelis who fear that some of the new – some of the actions of their new government threaten democracy here?  And after meeting with – with Prime Minister Netanyahu, do you believe that he can and wants to preserve democracy?

And on the Palestinian side, Palestinians are increasingly disillusioned with the two-state solution.  Many have given up on it, convinced that Israel will never let it happen, yet you continue to advocate it, as you just did a minute ago.  After meeting with President Abbas, do you think he is the person to resolve the statehood issue, to defuse the tensions, and to fight terrorism?  In other words, do you have confidence in him and in the Palestinian Authority?  Thank you.

SECRETARY BLINKEN:  Thanks.  Let me take the second part of the question first and then come to the first part.  Look, as always, we’re focused on the policies that governments, administrations pursue, not individual personalities.  And so we’re focused on what the Palestinian Authority is doing both to work to improve the lives of the Palestinian people as well as to engage responsibly with Israel on, first and foremost, defusing the current situation, the current cycle of violence; reducing tensions, not escalating them; calming things down, not ramping things up.  That is the immediate focus.  And I heard both from Palestinians, including President Abbas, as well as from Israelis some ideas for how that – how we can move that forward, which is why I asked some of my colleagues to stay behind to support the efforts that are being made to calm things down.

That’s really the first order of business.  And my hope is that if that succeeds, then we can look to both sides to take some positive steps to try to rebuild confidence, rebuild trust, and that in turn lays the foundation for at some point pursuing two states.  But I think in this moment the most immediate challenge is, as I said, defusing the cycle of violence that has people here, first and foremost, but around the region deeply, deeply concerned.  As I said, the President – President Biden – remains committed to and convinced of the importance of a two-state solution, but one step at a time.  We have to focus first on making sure that Israelis and Palestinians defuse the current situation and then start to build some positive steps into their relationship.

With regard to the first part of the question – and I think you heard me address this yesterday – the relationship that we have with Israel is based fundamentally on shared interests and shared values, and it’s been that way for 75 years.  I spoke about some of those values yesterday, including, of course, respect for human rights, equal justice under the law, equal rights for all, the rule of law, free press, a robust civil society.  And as I mentioned, I had an opportunity to engage with some representatives of civil society just today.  And to be sure, Israel has a very robust civil society, and we’ve seen that in recent days.  And again, I saw that today in my own meetings.

With regard to the proposed reforms, there’s clearly a very vibrant debate that’s going on, a discussion that’s going on in Israel, and these debates are a very healthy part of a vibrant democracy.  In fact, they’re unique to democracies.  And as democracies, one of the things that we recognize is that building consensus on new proposals is the best way to make sure that not only are they embraced but that they actually endure.  All of this, of course, is for Israelis themselves to work out, but we look forward, generally speaking, to working with Israel to advance the interests and values that have been at the heart of this relationship, as I said, for 75 years.

MR PRICE:  Gili Cohen of Kan News.

QUESTION:  Thank you, Secretary, for doing this.  Following the legislative reform, several members of the Israeli coalition, including one minister, has said after your comments yesterday with Prime Minister Netanyahu that the Israeli prime minister doesn’t need a lesson in democracy.  I wonder what you think about such comments.  And also, Secretary, have you received any assurance from Netanyahu about how he going to implement this plan?

And another question regarding the escalation:  Prime minister office announced after the terror attacks that they will promote steps to strengthen the settlements and even increase the number of guns held by citizens.  Do you think that this might contribute to another escalation?  Thank you.

SECRETARY BLINKEN:  Two things.  What I talked about yesterday and again talked about just now reflects the shared values that the United States and Israel have had and held for more than 75 years, and it is nothing more and nothing less than that.  And I continue to be inspired by the vibrancy with which Israel shares those values, something that, again, we’re seeing right now, and I think I can say the same thing about my own country, the United States.

With regard to the second part of your question, we have been clear and consistent in our conviction that neither side should take any unilateral actions that, right now, potentially would add fuel to a fire and, over the medium to long term, would make the prospects of achieving two states even more distant than they currently are.

MR PRICE:  Will Mauldin, Wall Street Journal.

QUESTION:  Thank you so much for doing this.  I wanted to ask you, in your meetings with Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defense Minister Gallant, if any new issues or overlap came up in the issue of Iran?  Any new ideas for U.S. policy after the failure of the JCPOA talks to make headway?  And did you express support for those – their efforts to target Iran’s hardware (inaudible) nuclear bombs or for cooperating with Russia militarily?

Also just wanted to ask you a Palestinian question.  Do you think you’ve made any headway here?  You said you had some ideas that were aired.  Would you like to share any of those with the press or with the American public?

SECRETARY BLINKEN:  Thank you.  On Iran, we have – Israel and the United States – a shared commitment.  One, that Iran not acquire a nuclear weapon, and two, that we continue to stand together with other countries as well against the many destabilizing and dangerous actions that Iran is engaged in in the region, and now, increasingly, beyond.  One of those actions is – that we talked about was the provision by Iran to Russia of drones, technology to be used in Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.

And as I mentioned before and as we also discussed with our Israeli counterparts, this is a two-way street.  Not only is Iran providing sophisticated military equipment to Russia, but Russia in turn is doing the same with Iran, which is, of course, of real concern to us and real concern to Israel.

So we continued what has been an ongoing discussion of ways that we can continue to work together, collaborate – and not just us – with other countries – in countering the malicious actions that Iran is engaged in, whether it’s in this region or beyond.

With regard to what I heard on this trip, no, I’m not going to detail the ideas.  But I think there are some concrete ideas from both sides that, if pursued, would really help diffuse the current situation, and it’s why I asked some of my colleagues to stay behind to support the efforts that both parties are making to try to get to a better path.

It is fundamentally up to them.  They have to work together to find a path forward that, as I said, both diffuses the current cycle of violence and, I hope, also leads to positive steps that each can take to build back some trust, to build back some confidence, to help make material improvement in people’s lives, to foster a greater sense of security for Israelis and Palestinians alike.  That will take time.  The immediate task, as I said, is to diffuse this cycle of violence.  And if both sides are genuinely committed to it, I think there are steps that they can take and that we heard from them that would help achieve that.

MR PRICE:  We have time for a final question from Lana Kamleh.

QUESTION:  Good evening.  I’m Lana Kamleh (inaudible) first let me thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak here on behalf of my colleagues in Palestine TV.  (Inaudible) from working in East Jerusalem for the third year in a row.  I would like to remind you of the phone call between President Abbas and President Biden in May 2021 and the meetings that followed highlighting the importance of halting unilateral measures such as settlement activity, killing, house demolition, and the attacks on Al-Aqsa Mosque, et cetera.  What (inaudible) this government to stop such unilateral actions difficult?  Thank you.

SECRETARY BLINKEN:  Thank you.  All I can tell you is that we have long been and remain opposed to unilateral steps by either side that, in the first instance, actually fuel tensions and lead to I think a more dangerous environment for everyone, and that fundamentally make more difficult and more distant the prospect of moving toward two states.  So that hasn’t changed.  I repeated that in my meetings throughout my stay here, as I just did now.  And again, we look to both sides not to take steps that actually make things worse, and as well to take some positive steps that can create a better path forward for both Israelis and Palestinians.

MR PRICE:  Thank you, Mr. Secretary.


MR PRICE:  Thank you, everyone.