Saturday, September 23, 2017

ANASTASİADES'İN BM GENEL KURUL konuşması 21 Eylul 2017



New York, 21 September 2017

Mr. President,

Your Excellencies,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

At the outset, I wish to convey my Government's congratulations to Mr. Miroslav Lajcak

(^ÿ,TÿaK) on his election as President of the General Assembly for its 72nd Session and

assure of our unwavering support on his mission.

At the same time, I congratulate, once again, the Secretary - General, Mr. Antbnio Guterres,

on the assumption of his duties since January 1st 2017. The government of Cyprus and I

personally have full faith and confidence in his abilities and vision.

To this end, we stand ready to provide any assistance deemed necessary towards the

shared goal of promoting the values and principles of the UN in a period of great

uncertainty and instability.

Your Excellencies,

2017 has been another turbulent year. To name a few; terrorism, regional conflicts, forced

migration, the alarming effects of climate change and humanitarian crises are realities

which have placed enormous strain on our people and the environment.

Human nature drives us to aim for the best, for us and the generations to follow: for the

preservation of our planet; for a peaceful resolution to conflicts; for an end to terrorism and

extremism; for actions to prevent natural disasters; for joint efforts to alleviate the

immeasurable human suffering experienced around the world.

There is only one way to achieve this: Multilateralism. We stand here, as world leaders, to

pledge our determination and commitment to a better world, through cooperation and joint


It is only through collective efforts that we can address crises like the current one with

North Korea, which threatens the resilience of our global non-proliferation and

disarmament regimes, as well as the peace and security architecture of the region and


International, multilateral cooperation is also vital in dealing with the scourge of terrorism.

Terrorist attacks have unfortunately become commonplace in our world, from Baghdad to

Kabul, from Paris to Cairo, from Barcelona to London, where our cities and citizens have

become the targets of cowardly acts of asymmetric aggression.

Parallel to adopting enhanced security measures, it is essential to prevent and to counter

radicalization and violent extremism within our societies, through education, dialogue,

economic growth and social inclusion.

Your Excellencies, Mr. President,

There is no security without development; and there is no development without security.

Enhancing the resilience of our societies is a key aspect of our multilateral endeavors and

in this respect our determination to implement the 2030 Agenda must remain high on our

list of priorities,

Sustainable development is at the heart of dealing with the root causes of forced migration

which has, for the last two years, dominated the global agenda and not unjustly.

This crisis is putting pressure not only on our governments but also on our societies, while

at the same time changing the way political dialogue is carried out. However overwhelming

the situation is, we must not lose sight of the big picture, which is none other than the need

for solidarity and burden sharing.

Mr. President,

All the above, and even more challenges we face, point to one direction: we need a just,

effective, and efficient global governance system.

In this respect, we are here to renew our commitment to a global order based on

international law, with the principles of the UN Charter at its core; a global order which

ensures that peace, security, human rights and sustainable development remain the

highest values which we undertake to preserve and uphold.

Cyprus believes that the reform priorities that the Secretary General has set are essential in

ensuring that multilateralism, at a time of growing skepticism and isolationist tendencies,

remains relevant and effective.

The three pillars of reform, in distinct yet parallel and complementary processes will, if

successful, provide us with a changed narrative as to the ability to prevent crises before

they erupt; reinforcing and enhancing peace-keeping and peace - building, humanitarian

assistance and long-term development and growth.

Mr. President,

The theme of this year's General Assembly," Focusing on people: striving for peace and a

decent life for all on a sustainable planet", is extremely pertinent for my country which still

suffers from the scourges of war and its ongoing violent division.


In this regard, it is our strong opinion that the most vital pillar to achieving inter-state,

regional and global peace is through respecting and ensuring the full and unhindered

independency, territorial integrity and sovereignty of each and every member-state of the

United Nations.

A pillar which constitutes one of the most indispensable provisions of the Charter of the

United Nations and the most basic rule towards prohibiting foreign interventions to the

territory, the exclusive economic zone or the internal affairs of an independent and

sovereign member-state of the UN.

It is only through abiding by this norm that we can avoid inter-state conflicts or bloody

internal clashes which in turn establish the conditions for protracted destabilization,

violence and uncertainty.

One of the countries which unfortunately still endures the consequences of the blatant

violation of the fundamental principles of the UN is my country, the Republic of Cyprus,

which since the 1974 military invasion of Turkey still remains under its occupation.

The pretext for the invasion was the restoration of the constitutional order, following the

attempt for a coup d'ÿtat against the President of the Republic by the Greek military Junta.

i deliberately referred to a pretext, since, instead of restoring the constitutional order,

Turkey occupied 37% of the territory of Cyprus, forcibly displacing from their ancestral

homeland more than a third of the Greek Cypriot community, with thousands murdered,

while since 1974 more than a thousand Greek Cypriots are still missing.

With the same use of force, all our Turkish Cypriot compatriots were compelled by Turkey

to relocate from the areas controlled by the Government of Cyprus in which they used to

reside peacefully, to the areas occupied by Turkey.

in the same context and via the continuous presence of over forty thousand Turkish troops

and thousands of implanted settlers in a conscious effort to alter the demographic

character of the island, Turkey established an illegal entity which is under its absolute

political, economic, cultural and religious control and dominance.

Mr. President, Your Excellencies,

it is not my aim to engage in a blame-game. On the contrary, I truly wish I could be in a

position to inform that my vision to reaching a settlement, as I have repeatedly conveyed

from this podium, had materialised.

Unfortunately, despite our constructive stance, our tireless and unwavering efforts and the

progress achieved, this new round of talks which was launched in May 2015 and climaxed

in July 2017 at Crans Montana, has reached a deadlock.

A deadlock which is attributed exclusively to the intransigent stance of Turkey which,

instead of being positively predisposed to establishing a truly independent, sovereign and

normal state, through its proposals aimed at reducing Cyprus to a Turkish protectorate.

The above-mentioned would be considered as an exaggeration if I failed to substantiate my

reference as I will now immediately proceed to do so.

Mr. President, Your Excellencies,

In 1960, with the establishment of the Republic of Cyprus, amongst others, under the Treaty

of Guarantee Turkey, Great Britain and Greece undertook to guarantee the independence,

territorial integrity and security of Cyprus.

In this regard, allow me to stress that the exploitation of the said provision by Turkey has

regrettably ied to the pain and sufferings that the people of Cyprus, Greek and Turkish

Cypriots, have and are still enduring; consequence of the unacceptabie status quo.

It is for this exact reason that since resuming negotiations and in order to establish a

normal and sovereign State, from the very beginning we set the goal of terminating the

Treaty of Guarantee and the rightof intervention, as well as agreeing to a sunset clause for

the full withdrawal of foreign troops.

A principled-position which the UN Secretary - General himself also shared as an

indispensable element in the efforts to reaching a settlement, as per his statement on June

04, 2017, and I quote:

"Progress in this chapter - meaning the Chapter of Security and Guarantees - is an

essential element in reaching an overall agreement and in building trust between the two

communities in relation to their future security".

On the basis both of the observed progress in the bi-communal dialogue and the aforesaid

evÿiluation of the UN Secretary - General, on June 28, 2017 the multilateral Conference on

Cyprus commenced with great expectations.

During the negotiations which followed, the UN Secretary - General, in an effort to

positively support the whole process, presented an outline of six fundamental thematic

topics which consisted on the one hand theChapter of Security and Guarantees, including

the withdrawal of foreign troops, and on the other hand issues related with the internal

aspects of the Cyprus Problem.

Achieving convergences on the UN Secretary - General's framework would have led to

reaching a strategic agreement, thus, injecting a new dynamic impetus in the process with

valid hopes that an overall settlement was feasible.

Acting in full conformity with the outline of the UN Secretary - General, ! submitted credible

and realistic proposals which effectively addressed the sensitivities and concerns of both


Proposals taking into consideration, based, as also the framework of the UN Secretary-

General did, in the capacity of the Republic of Cyprus as a member - state of the EU and

the UN.

In stark contradiction to the framework of the UN Secretary - General and the positions of

the other two guarantor powers, Turkey, adopting an inflexible stance, insisted on the


- Maintaining the Treaty of Guarantee and the right of intervention, as well as a

permanent presence of troops.

Mr= President, Your Excellencies,

During his speech at the General Assembly, the President of Turkey, Mr. Tayip Erdogan,

claimed that the unsuccessful outcome of negotiations at Crans Montana was attributable

to the incomprehensible position of the Greek Cypriot side.

In response, I would like to ask the Turkish President:

(a) Is it incomprehensible to aspire to establish an independent and sovereign

State, without any foreign guarantees, any right of intervention by a third country and free

from the presence of occupation troops?

(b) Is it irrational to advocate establishing a normal State in which all decisions will

be taken only by its citizens, free from foreign dependencies?

(c) Is it unreasonable for an EU member-state to efficiently and effectively

participate in the decision-making of the Union?

(d) Is it unfounded to envision terminating the anachronistic Treaty of Guarantee

and establishing a robust system of security, based on the Charter of the UN and the

Treaties of the EU and theCouncil of Europe?

(e) Is it against any established principle for the UN, as well as the relevant

institutions of the EU, to ensure and safeguard the smooth and secure implementation of

the provisions of the settlement?

(f) Concurrently, is it a paradox to reject Turkey's insistence that it should assume

the said role?

(g) Does any constitution of a Federal State provide that for every decision at a

Federal level, at least one positive vote by the members of the state is required? When

especially one of the members of the Federation is controlled by a third country?

(h) Finally, could anyone uphold that reaching a settlement based on the proposals

of Turkey would have led to establishing a functional and viable State?

Mr. President, Your Excellencies,

Despite our disappointment, what I wish to emphatically stress and convey is that the

vision of the people of Cyprus is none other than ending the unacceptable status quo and

establishing a federal state which would ensure to the generations of Greek and Turkish

Cypriots, conditions of stability for a safe, prosperous and peaceful future.

A State free from any foreign interventions and dependencies; "a normal state", as the UN

Secretary - General very correctly stated. A State led by Cypriots for Cypriots.

In this regard and contrary to the statements by Turkish officials, it is my intention during

tomorrow's meeting with the UN Secretary - General to convey our readiness to

immediately resume negotiations, in accordance with his framework and always in line with

the relevant UN Resolutions.

Within this context, it is widely acknowledged that for a new Conference on Cyprus to

reconvene and in order to avoid a repetition of shortcomings of the past, there should be

thorough and solid preparation and strong political will and determination by all interested

parties and stakeholders, so as to ensure that this time deliberations will lead to a positive


And in this effort, I have no doubt that the UN Secretary- General and the UN Permanent

Members of the Security Council will offer us their support and help.

In parallel, at this critical juncture, instead of unilateral actions which negatively affect the

aim of moving the process forward, mutually agreed Confidence Building Measures which

are in line with the UN Security - Council Resolutions and the UN Secretary - General

reports, such as the return and resettlement of Varosha to its rightful and lawful

inhabitants, would be a game changer in creating a climate conducive to resuming

negotiations with the aim of reaching a comprehensive settlement.

An aim which would be further reinforced through progress to the humanitarian issue of

the missing persons. To this end, I call on Turkey to fully co-operate in order to resolve this

tragic issue. With this opportunity, I also urge all countries which might hold information to

open their archives in order to support our efforts to giving an end to this tragic aspect of

the Cyprus Problem.

Mr. President, Your Excellencies,

In concluding, ! yet again urge Turkey and our Turkish Cypriot compatriots to realize that it

is only through mutual respect and compromises and not obsolete fixations to failed

practices that we will achieve a viable and lasting settlement.

A settlement which should leave neither winners nor losers and fully respect and address

the sensitivities and concerns of both communities.

This is the only way for Cyprus to fully utilize its potential and exploit its unique

geographical position.

This is my vision.

Thank You for your attention.

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