Monday, March 13, 2017

Sükrü Server Aya, Diplomatia dergisinde yayınlanan mülakatı yanıtlıyor.

Diplomatia dergisi temsilcisi Hille Hanso'nun Prof.Dr. Hakan Özoğuz ile ermeni iddiaları konusunda yaptığı mülakata, Araştırmacı - yazar Şükrü Server Aya yanıt veriyor. Hanso'nun soruları kendine sorulmuş olsaydı, aşağıdaki gibi yanıt verecekti.

Armenia: Doomed to be a Never-ending Issue?   Hille Hanso  

[Q = question;     A= answer;      R= Reference or source]

If Miss Hanso, would have directed below questions to me, I would have answered much different than the reply of a scholar. My OPEN ANSWERS are qyoted below:

Q: Let’s talk about the highly sensitive issue of the mass killing of Armenians in the collapsing Ottoman Empire in 1915, which keeps Turkey and Armenia apart and many outside countries involved in the issue to this day. It is not easy to analyse an issue that has become so deeply politicised, but our aim is to take an analytical approach, not a normative one, and discuss what led to the terrible events and how the Great Tragedy is still a topic in day-to-day politics. Professor Özoğlu, thank you for sharing your views. 
To put present-day relationships into context, we have to go back to the period that preceded the mass murders. Can you describe the geopolitical situation at the time of the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and threats to “the sick man of Europe” from various world powers?

A: It is ironic to bring this old myth of unproven tales today, when much greater dramas are happening at the present. The questions are of “general hearsay” nature rather than analytical. The views of Mr. Ozogul, have not been taken in consideration. My answers will depend on international documents so far discovered and most of which were written in “my free books available on internet”.
So far there are no documentary evidences to prove any mass killings by Turks. Evidence of any crime falls on the Claimant for an official indictment at the authorized office, coırt, arbiter, etc. gving the opportunity to “defend” to the defender at the same office. For more than a century no such “complaint has been officially made to any authorized office” nor any authentic evidences (other than several doctored documents), nor the parties could sit at a table and exchange documents under arbitration of neutral parties. The Ottoman Empire had made such an effort in February 1919 to five neutral countries (Sweden, Spain, Switzerlandi Denmark, Holland) but theyall refused the invitation. See: (R-1-A). The Armenian losses (due to epidenics and starvations in heavy proportions) are not significant to be taken into any WW-1 caualties statistics or charts. What  more, we have two irrefutable documents, proving that the acts of banditries, were not committed by the central governments and hence can not be generalized as “massacre-genocide” being individual cases of ordinary crimes and robberies experienced in most wars. See           (R-1-B, and R-1-C). Only a few documents proving murdrers will follow later.

Q: The OE also faced various internal problems. Can you describe them?
The internal problems are irrelevant to the Armenian mass relocation. This was a compulsory “military measure” to stop sabotages andengagement of the Turkish soldiers in the East when they were desperately needed at Sardanelles to fight the Allied Landings after April 25, 1915.  The Armenian volunteers collaboration with enemies have been confirmed in all official documents and press.
 Q: What did the Armenians do that triggered the fatal stand-off?
  A:   These should suffice as a beginner, I can provide “hundreds ıd ıther evidences.”.

“The Washington Post  - Nov. 13th, 1914”  ARMENIANS JOIN RUSSIANS AND 20,000 SCATTER TURKS NEAR FEITUN  DEAL BLOW TO TURKS  Russians Scatter a Big Army Occupying Batumi Valley – 
“Reno Evening Gazette - Jan 7, 1915”   ARMENIANS FIGHT FOR RUSSIA       London, Jan. 7 - Reuter’s Petrograd correspondent transmits a message from Tbilisi stating that a detachment of Armenian volunteers had arrived there from America. The volunteers received an enthusiastic reception”.
“Indianapolis Star “- Jan.8th, 1915” ARMENIANS JOIN RUSSIANS – Volunteers Arrive at Tiflis for Army Service
 “The New York Times” - Jan.8th, 1915” FROM AMERICA TO FIGHT – Detachment of Armenians Welcomed    
“The Washington Post “ -  Aug. 22, 1915” THROW OFF TURK  YOKE    Armenians in Vilayet of Van End 600 Years’ Oppression -  Schoolmaster is Governor – May be annexed to Russia or Be Granted Autonomy After the War (Note: Relocations started after May 27, 1915; by that time Armenians had taken Van  to gift to Russia
Q: But the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) and the Young Turks initially collaborated a great deal against the regime of Abdul Hamid II, and together pushed for a constitutional monarchy and challenged the absolute power of the sultan. Once that goal was achieved, the Young Turks gained strength and the power to govern. What changed in the Young Turks’ cooperation with the ARF?
A: The Armenian revolutionary intents and activties go back t0 1850s, encouraged by French, British and Rusian and lastly by American Missionaries who came to spread Protestanism about the same time. Their educations strengthen libery, freedom, tights of minorities, Christians and alike.  There was several attemps in 1890s, şncludind raid of the Ottoman Bank in 1896, when 17 fedayeen were let go free to France, 1905 first time bomb assignation attemtp to Abduhamid. The Yong Turks and Dashnakist agreed on a collaboration in 1907 in Paris. But in 1910 the Armenians distributed a booklet at the 1910 Copenhagen Socialist Congress giving full details of their organization and readiness to revolt at the first opportunity.  (R-3)
Q: You mentioned Armenians as a perceived threat to the Ottoman Empire’s eastern regions, but the mass deportations and killings involved the Armenian population from the west, too. How was the expulsion of those in Istanbul, Edirne, Izmit, Aydin, Izmir etc. explained at the time?
A: There has been “no large scale” relocations for those settled in Istanbul, İzmit, İzmir, Aydın except those persons associated with revolutionaries or arms-bombs found in their houses or located at strategic road comnections. 235 notable Armenians known to be connected with Revolutionaries were rounded on April 24th evening one night before Allied landings in Dardanelles and resettled inland in towns near Ankara mostly in house few in prisons. Sone of these celebrities were let go back to Istanbul a few weeks later. 
 Q: In your opinion, why did things grow into a large-scale conflict? Armenians were increasingly seen as “others” who were generally wealthier, which created envy in a destitute, war-torn region. Or was it a religious, political, or foreign-policy stand-off; or a
loyalty issue, as Sultan Abdul Hamid II had carried out smaller-scale killings of Armenian years before the main persecutions started in 1915?
A:  Armenians working in state offices and their families were not touched. Catholics and Protestants were let return to their homes in mid August 1915.  Armenians had caused disaster to the Turkish 3rd Army at Sarikamish, cauaing death of some 60.000 soldiers in severe winter in the open.  See arrachments (R-4-A, R-4-B)
Q: Why is the Republic of Turkey not held legally responsible for this issue?
A: Crime and punishment is not hereditary or transferable. The U.N. regulations state that:   < Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide” Article 6: < Persons charged with genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in Article 3 shall be tried by a competent tribunal of the State in the territory of which the act was committed, or by such international penal tribunal as may have jurisdiction with respect to those Contracting Parties which shall have accepted its jurisdiction.>
Question: Who are the “criminal persons”, which court tried and issued such a verdict? Had the parties agree earlier for acceptance of jurisdiction?  

See attachments  (R-5-A,R-5-B & R-5-C)  prove the opposite of these evidences:
Q: Can you describe the newly formed ideology of Turkishness at the beginning of the 20th century? It is important because the growing nationalist ideology was part of the reason everything happened. Religion remained a major part of identity; it was and remained a big part of the culture. Others had to assimilate or go.
A:  Let us speak facts instead of absurd expressions “Turkishness” etc. The following excerpt speaks the truth:        See   also (R-6-A & R-6-B)                                                                                           PROTESTANT DIPLOMACY & THE NEAR EAST - Joseph L. Grabill, ISBN 0.816.605.750     
P.423: The description  (Terible Turk) had some historical validity when applied to Turkish treatment of the Armenians,  but it was unfair to the Turks of the post-Lausanne period. Armenian-Americans and their supporters, in their fight for an Armenian home and their opposition to the Turkish-American Lausanne Treaty, continued to use time worn epithet. This unfortunate representation contributed strength to the opponents of the Lausanne Treaty and helped defeat it in 1927. Led by the Armenian- American lawyer Vahan Chardasian, the enemies of Turkey in the United States, sought with some success to cloud the issues in Turkish-American relations by poisoning American public opinion
“Lords of the Horizons “ Jason Goodwin, Henry Holt Co, NY, ISBN 0-8050-4081-1 P.315:  Excesses were committed by all sides; the arrival of Protestant missionaries, singing Onward Christian Soldiers among the once quiet Armenians alarmed the Ottomans into thinking that the process which had turned their Bulgarian, Greek or Serbian reaya against them was about to be repeated.  “ 

Q: Does present-day Turkey still hold the same values?
A: Are we speaking histerography or fairy tales, personal impressions, a.s.o.?

Q: There are radically opposing international approaches: some say the Armenian killings were the first genocide of the modern era, whereas reactionary opinion says that calling it a genocide is a conspiracy against Turkey. Greece, Cyprus and Switzerland have prohibited denial of genocide by law, but the US and Israel have been very careful in their statements. Azerbaijan stands firmly with Turkey and claims there has never been any genocide. When did this discussion become a political rather than a legal or historical issue?
A: This is a legal matter to be settled by law and valişd documents. So far, all documents “show-prove existence of Armenian atrocities  and NOT Turkish ones, other than unfounded propaganda.  Armenians were at war with home country assisting enemies. Their official Memorandum to Paris Peace Conference is enough . See  (R-7)
Q: Has this era been sufficiently researched? Turkey is still calling for more studies of the archives on both sides, but we know that the Young Turk government restricted the use of photography and reporting of the events. Although many American missionaries and diplomatic representatives, in particular, witnessed the deportations and broke the news of the mass murders, do we have enough information?
A: Armenian treason and betrayal is proven also in attached documents. At time of war punishment of betrayal is execution on spot. The Ottomans could have pushed the Armenians towards Russia between two fires as Russians always do. They took the hard job to move such a mass (about 700.000) to Syria.  There is no eyewitness nor any official report of neutral eye witness or even US Consuls to report any mass killings.  Attachment  R-1-B,  R-4-B beliesthese prejudiced unfounded allegations.
Q: Germany has not opened the files containing communications between the German government and German commanders serving in the OE at the time. This could be important, as German–Ottoman military cooperation was a matter of national policy and in 1913 a German mission arrived in Turkey with the task of reorganising the Ottoman army. Officers in the German military mission assumed responsibility for the command of the Turkish army under the leadership of Enver Pasha, then Minister of War. The German–Turkish relationship was formulated with the agreement of a military alliance between Germany and the Ottoman Empire in August 1914. Has the German role in the process been adequately evaluated, and what is known?
A:  Germany is not even aware of WW-2 history and the Armenian Legion in the Nazi Army   (R-8-A & R-8-B). The yare not even aware that General Liman von Saders was Commander in Chief and Bronsart von Schellendorg “General Staff” and deputy of War Minister Enver Pasha, and that thw “demand to bring the troops kept engaged by Armenians in the East Frontier, be brought immediately to Dardanelles” came from them for military necessity and the Turkish government- complied with the order.
Q: An Armenian friend of mine here in Turkey is involved in gathering the memoirs and stories of those who suffered. She once told me they wished that outside countries would drop the subject and stop pressuring Turkey. Her rationale was that a country and its people have to take society to a point where they acknowledge the past and that only time and increased awareness can lead to this. In her opinion, the German parliament’s vote only took Turkey further than ever from taking on this responsibility, because it was met with an angry reaction. Is outside pressure leading Turkey to further denial?
A:  We are speaking history based on irrefutable documents and existing laws and regulations. There is no room for personal opinions or heard stories.
Q: Would you agree that views in Turkey are slowly changing? It used to be forbidden to use the term “Armenian genocide”. Now we see this in the Turkish media and politicians are discussing it. Turkey, however, has denied the claims of genocide. What, in your opinion, is the future for this subject?
A: Turkish authorities are not aware or capable to do anythinh about the Armenian propgandas circling the World. No one asks the very few who knows and can speak with evidencing documents. This is the reaons that diaspora is covering so much area, so easily in the World. It is the BIG LIE, well explained in the following article of Reno Evening Gaette, Nov. 14, 1915: 
Having imposed a committee of well meaning but admittedly prejudiced American Missionaries, the same agencies that have been engaging in reporting Armenian outrages which never had been committed are now trying to mislead Christian charity in America and Switzerland into furnishing funds for the relief of the supposed victims of the unspeakable Turk.
It would not matter, so far as the country at large is concerned, but unfortunately there is danger that a self-sufficient person like President Wilson will accept these stories of atrocities as truth, with no further evidence than the statements of Armenians who are directly interested in raising money for the support of themselves.  Professional beggars who have bled their own countrymen for years are now trying to induce kindly Americans to support them, not caring whether United States would or should not be embroiled with Turkey and through Turkey with Germany. Ambassador Morgenthau appears to have fallen a ready victim to the smooth rascals that, by apocryphal tales of outrages, have procured contributions from their Armenian countrymen abroad and in this country and have lived in luxury on the proceeds for the last 30 years.
The Ambassador seriously notified the state department that the Turks had slaughtered the “majority of the Armenians of Asia Minor”. This “majority” now turns out to be 32.000 known to be hostile to Turkey and  therefore, dispossessed of their homes in Erzerum and Zeitun and interned in a district where they could be watched by Turkish troops – not killed, nor even dying. The English have done no more with German residents and even with English subjects of German birth and the Germans have done the same with English residents of the German states.
If this country, therefore, does not want to appear foolish before the whole world, it will refuse to be duped by impossible tales and will let the Armenians severely alone.    

CONCLUSION based on solid documents: The “total Armenian lossess between 1914-1923” are estimated to beunder 600.000. (or at most for unknown factors 700.000).  Of this we have League of Nations evidence that 200.000 died in fights, and we have another Armenian documented casualtie of starvations and epidemics in Armenia ( May 1918 to December 1920) of another 195.000 who died in Armenia under their own government due to starvation and epidemics.  This leaves the “death toll of all reaosons” to be 200.000 or about 18 % of the population, which is a excellent  proportion, given the fact that 10% of the population where there was no war died of starvation and in army barracks 30% of soldiers died before going to front. 520.000 Moslem are confirmed to be killed by Armenian Revolutionaries during the same period, for about 400.000 with names, dates and places.  See (R-9)
Sukru Server Aya, Istanbul

TA 3625 -  Source References for DIPLOMATIA  - Attachment 
A sincere but futile effort by the Ottomans for a Neutral Investigation on the Armenian allegations:                 After the Mudros Surrender, the new Ottoman Government tried to set up a neutral investigation on the floating allegations and invited on Feb. 13, 1919 by a formal Note Verbal, the following countries to please appoint two judges – investigators for an International Committee:  Sweden, Spain, Switzerland, Holland and Denmark. These countries which are now frequently heard had all declined to the 1919 invitation when evidences and witnesses were all available.   

Sweden:  The only neutral eyewitness of the relocations in action was Major Pravitz from Sweden, travelling to Persia “to organize the   Persian gendarmerie”. He and his friend travelled through and witnessed the main routes of movements in the summer of 1915.Pravitz’ observations are very important and are confirmed in the article he wrote in 1917 to a Swedish Newspaper which is readily available on line in Swedish and English: Pravitz  was hosted by German General Goltz in Istanbul who had spent long years in Turkey and was buried with German and Turkish flags when he died in 1916 in Bagdad of typhus, just before General Townsend was to surrender at Kutul  Amara.   Pravitz actually went on to author a 1918 book which partly delved in to the topic. The book”       “Från Persien i stiltje och storm” (from Persia in storms and doldrum) details his memoirs in Persia with several photos. One chapter of the book tells his observations when he had to cross Turkey through the routes on horseback with his friend. There were rumors that the Euphrates River was blocked because of floating bodies, but he wrote that he had been on the shores and could not see any floating bodies at all. 

R-1-B:     League of Nations”  - Important Documents     “University of Bradford”  Armenia and the League of Nations - Documents from the United Nations Library, Geneva; League of Nations Archives Collections    “Note Verbal” by Secretary-General Sir Eric Drummond, dated March 1st, 1920.
 Page 2: “Further, in Turkey, minorities were often oppressed and massacres carried out by irregular bands who were entirely outside the control of the Central Turkish Government

R-1-C:  From Baton )“Near East Relief General Secretary”) to Admiral Bristol; (US High Commissioner in Istanbul)  letter dated May 20, 1920 as follows:      <“With reference to the false reports that come through reporting massacres of the Armenians by the Turks, there is no one who can deprecate this more than I do....> 

R-2: On July 21, 1905 the Armenian Revolutionaries were the first ones to use a time bomb, trying to kill Sultan Abdulhamid II when he came out of the  Mosque for  Friday Prayers! Abdulhamid’s walk to his carriage was delayed for over a minute by an unexpected conversation he had. The 120 kilos time bomb went off; 26 were killed and 58 were wounded. Abdulhamid had to drive the carriage back palace personally.   The reformist “Young Turk’s Party” and the Armenian Federation were in full collaboration to depose Abdulhamid’s reign from1876 to 1909, or thirty two years of a monarch's
absolute rule. The second person in the group on the left is an Armenian delegate, with his right hand likely on a pistol.    R-3:      

 Our Party, has gone to all villages and in each of them selected   5 – 8 courageous persons of 45 – 50 years age, and assigned them for upper observations. These were” roving bands” to supply all needs of the defenders and t o save them in case they were caught and rush to help the villages under attack of Kurds.  Apart from these roving groups there are other groups in each village.
1- Militia group: composed of some 30-50 men to defend against attack.                                                                 2- Supporting or “financing group” responsible to raise money as needed.                                                                     3- Military group responsible for supplying weapons                                                                                                     4- Women group responsible for carrying letters and arranging communication between different groups. 
Turkish Armenian population was organized in this manner in some 100 villages in the Mush plain and Sasun.
Until 1908, the activities of our Party were carried in secrecy for day and night; usually friends were scared to come out anytime. Carrying weapons, propaganda, arming the people, firing exercises were done in darkness. As understood these were political and revolutionary activities. >  

R-4-A:                         From: “Why Armenia Should be Free” Boston 1918, 
Dr. G. Pastermadjian:                    < p.10 “…purpose of the writer in writing this booklet, is to make great American people realize that Armenians are not anemic and unaggressive people with no fighting blood in their veins; that the Armenians have not been butchered like sheep but on the contrary, have fought most bravely and resisted most stubbornly the savage attacks of the Turks, whenever they had an opportunity”    

p.19: “The Armenian reservists, about 160.000 in the number gladly responded to the call for the simple reason that they were to fight the arch enemy of their historic race! Besides regular soldiers, nearly 20.000 volunteers expressed their readiness to take up arms against the Turk.   

p.21 “Opposite Sarikamish, where a battle was waged for three days and nights, the Turks suffered a loss of 30.000 men, mostly due to the cold weather than to the Russian arms... This was invaluable service rendered to the Russian army by the fourth battalion of the Armenian volunteers under the command of matchless Keri. Six hundred Armenian veterans fell in the Barduz Pass, and at such a high price saved 60.000 Russians from being taken prisoners by the Turks.

Text, “League of Nations Official Gazette, 21.9.1929”; declaration of   Fridjhof Nansen:                                                    <When League began to discuss this question, it came to the conclusion that it should perhaps try to do something for those refugees… For this decision there was at least one good reason, as regards several countries at least, since during the war, when Armenians were driven out of Asia Minor and
treated so badly by the Turks, the Allied Western Powers had said to the Armenians: “If you fight with us against the Turks, and if the war ends successfully for us, we promise to give a national home, liberty and independence”. The Armenians fought for the Allied Powers. Two hundred thousand volunteers sacrificed their lives for the case of the Entente; but when the Armistice was signed and peace concluded, the promise given to the Armenians was forgotten. It has been brought in this Assembly, not once, but in three different years, and unanimous resolutions have been solemnly adopted in this Assembly to the effect that we would see to it that the Armenians get their national home.> 
R-5-A: he Report of Niles & Sutherland”      s/history/turks/Niles_and_Sutherland.pdf U.S. National Archives Ref. 184.021/175  16.08. 1919       
< At firstwere most incredulous of the stories told us, but the unanimity of the testimony  of alt witnesses, the apparent eagerness with which they told of wrongs done them, their evident hatred of Armenians, and, strongest of all, the material evidence on the ground itself, have convinced us as of the general truth of the facts, first, that Armenians massacred Mussulmans on a large scale with many refinements of cruelty, and second that Armenians are responsible for most of the destruction done to towns and villages. The Russians and Armenians occupied the country for a considerable time together in 1915>

R-5-B:  CONGRESS REPORT 266: AMERICAN MISSION TO ARMENIA    (US Congress Report 266, April 13, 1920, approved unanimously.)                
<“We know, however, so much to be a fact that the Armenians in the new State are carrying on operations in view of exterminating the Mussulman element in obedience to orders from the Armenian corps commander. We have had copies of their orders under our eyes. That the Armenians of Erivan are following a policy of extermination against the Mussulman and this wave of sanguinary savagery has spread right up to our frontier is also established by the fact of the presence within our borders of numerous Mussulman fleeing from death on the other side. The government of Erivan has, on the other hand, resorted to direct acts of provocation such as the practice of gunfire this side of the border.”  
R-5-C: From “DRO” – ISBN 978-1-60444-078-2, p.94:  < A dispute between Dro and Silikian arose about this military state perspective. Silikian said: “I appoint you commander of Bash-Aparan”. Dro replied, “I will go wherever you want, just do not divide the army. Let us with full, attack the Turkish forces advancing toward Sardarapat and massacre them. What is our information? We are informed that they have altogether two battalions.  Even if they reach Ashtarak, we can massacre them”

American Theocracy: The Peril and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil and Borrowed Money in the 21st Century  (Viking Press)

Page 252: < Thus, just as scholars of the British war mentality in the years prior in 1914 do well to study the patriotic bombast of the music halls, the stanzas of “Onward, Christian Soldiers,” and the endless books predicting German invasions, fathoming the Bush electorate requires its own study materials.


Patriarch Vartabed Nerses is an unforgettable traitor, because in 1878, when the Russian army was at San Stefano (today’s Istanbul airport) he had rushed to the Grand Duke Nicola and pressed him to take Istanbul at once. The British and France had their navy in Istanbul and the Russians pulled out after signing a damning treaty with Turks, where they agreed to pay  30 million gold coins as war indemnity when they were unable to pay salaries for  months.    
 Armenian troops being sanctified en masse in early Nov. 1914 to go to war. A 70 years old priest leads. 

R-7:   -                                                                                                                    <“The Armenian Question Before the Peace Conference” Armenian Memorandum-Feb.26,1919 submitted at the Paris Peace Conference:        <p.6 “Armenian volunteers fought on all the fronts; In France, in the Foreign Legion, by their bravery they covered themselves with glory. Scarcely one-tenth of their original number now survives. They fought in Syria and in Palestine, in the Legion of the Orient under French command, where they hurried in response to the call of the National Delegation… In the Caucasus, where over 150.000 Armenian men who served in the Russian army on all the fronts, an army of 50.000 men and thousands of volunteers fought through out under the supreme command of General Nazarbekian!        In addition thereto, by their resistance against the Turks until the conclusion of the armistice, they forced the Turks to send troops from Palestine to the Armenian front, and thus contributed indirectly for the Allied Army Vcory in Syria. >
p.7: The voice of all Armenians, dead and alive must be heard! It is true that the Armenians do not constitute the majority of the population in Armenia, but they do constitute the plurality of the population… In 1914, there were in Armenia 1.400.000 Armenians, against 943.000 Turks and 482.000Kurds

R-8-A For WW-II Armenian Legion in the Nazi Army please sees photos:            Armenian Soldiers in WW-2 Wehrmacht  and also see <   regarding their   11.000 to 33.000  soldiers who  assisted the Jewish Holocaust when Turkish diplomats in Vichy France saved over 15.0000 Jews with old Turkish connections and arranged their transport by chartered trains to Palestine  through Istanbul  

R-8-B:         Parody:  The “Bundestag” is either unaware or does not respect the crucial requirements of the German Constitution!

The “genocide drum beaters of all reputable titles” must have the human honor and logic to answer these physical facts:  In modern European criminal law, e.g. of the Constitutional Court of Germany, the principle of “nulla poena sine lege” has been found to consist of four separate requirements:
Nulla poena sine praevia lege poenali: “There is to be no penalty without previous law”
Nulla poena sine lege scripta: “There is to be no penalty without written law”
Nulla poena sine lege certa “There is to be no penalty without certain law”.
Nulla poena sine lege stricta “There is to be no penalty without strict law.                                                                                        “This prohibits the application by analogy of statutory provisions in criminal law.”

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